Catch Up Class…

RW Supply + Design’s mission is that we exist UNTIL EVERY CHILD IS HOME. We love the unique ways that Love Without Boundaries’ Catch Up Class is meeting educational needs in rural Cambodia. This class focuses on providing educational opportunities for children who have had to drop out of school. Dropping out can happen for many reasons, but it primarily happens to at risk children. Without an education, these children automatically have less future opportunities. HOWEVER, when they are enrolled in the Catch Up Class, not only to they receive an education, they also gain a community of teachers who love them. So many of these kids make enough strides to eventually return to the grade level they should have originally been in. Additionally, they receive breakfast and lunch at the school! RW Supply + Design was able to be part of funding the development of this program and we have loved seeing it grow. The ability to support educational opportunities for at risk children, and work until the day that every child is home, is solely because of the work that you do each day!

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